Friday, April 29, 2011


Masih ramai lg di antara kita yg beranggapan Setiap arnab yg ada pedigree mesti/wajib kena ada tattoo.
Tanggapan ini salah sama sekali. Permasalahan Berkaitan Pedigree dan Tattoo ini ada saya utarakan kepada beberapa org Officer ARBA dan Penternak serta pemilik arnab luar dr Malaysia. Jawapan yg diberi semuanya lebih kurang sama iaitu.:-
Rabbit yg ada pedigree tidak dimestikan/ wajib kena ada Tattoo.

Di sini saya pamerkan beberapa soal jawab yg diberi untuk dikongsikan bersama.

1- Jawapan yg diberi oleh President ARBA ( Mike Avesing )

RE: Rabbit with pedigree but no ear tattoo

Friday, April 29, 2011 12:42 AM
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"'Wan sarmizi Wan ibrahim'" <>
TQ, there is no requirement that a rabbit be tattooed to have a pedigree.  I would accept that the pedigree you got with the rabbit is valid.
I hope that answers your question.
-----Original Message-----
From: Wan sarmizi Wan ibrahim []
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:04 PM
Subject: Rabbit with pedigree but no ear tattoo
Hi.... i wan from malaysia. I just buy rabbit from bangkok, thailand. The farm owner say the rabbit have pedigree, but when i collect that rabbit, there are no ear tattoo. when i ask the owner about  the tattoo, he say not all rabbit with pedigree need to tattoo.

What i like to know, the pedigree can be use/accpet or not.?

hope any one can help me to answer this question.


2- Jawapan yg diberi oleh Officer ARBA- District 9 ( Dr.Jay Hreiz)

Re: Rabbit with pedigree but no ear tattoo

Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:15 PM
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"Wan sarmizi Wan ibrahim" <>

HI there!

The individual you bought the rabbit from is partially correct. The rabbit DOES NOT have to be tattooed in the left ear in order for it to be pedigreed.  What needs to be present, however, is an ear number on the pedigree from the rabbit you purchased.  You, the purchaser, can tattoo the rabbit with that ear number listed on the pedigree.  The breeder is obligated to provide you with this information (the tattoo number) but was not obligated to tattoo the rabbit (although this is customary).

I hope this helps!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wan sarmizi Wan ibrahim" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:04:10 AM
Subject: Rabbit with pedigree but no ear tattoo

Hi.... i wan from malaysia. I just buy rabbit from bangkok, thailand. The farm owner say the rabbit have pedigree, but when i collect that rabbit, there are no ear tattoo. when i ask the owner about  the tattoo, he say not all rabbit with pedigree need to tattoo.

What i like to know, the pedigree can be use/accpet or not.?

hope any one can help me to answer this question.


3- Link berkaitan soal jawab di

Maaf coz saya ni tak berapa reti nak speking. Jd kalau ada yg tersalah eja tu, kira ok la. janji
mat salleh tu faham.

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